Brooks Management Inc.

Brooks Management Inc.
Brooks Management takes pride in having been the first management company in Massachusetts devoted exclusively to condominiums. We have served condominium associations for over 30 years and we manage every community as if we lived there ourselves.
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Company Description
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The Association must be absolutely sure that your condominium is being run as smoothly as possible. The well-managed condominium will maintain its optimum value. To insure that your condominium is well run, it is important to hire a management firm with the expertise and experience to anticipate problems, plan for long-term maintenance, and have an active voice in the operation of your community. At Brooks Management we strive to serve the community at the highest level possibile.
Administrative Services
- Organize meetings of Owners and meetings of Trustees, including the preparation of notices, agendas, and other necessary documents.
- Guide and assist members of the Board in the performance of their obligations.
- Guide and assist the Board in the development of policies and procedures.
- As requested by the Board, assist in the administration of the provisions of the Master Deed, Declaration of Trust, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and policies of the Association (the "Governing Documents").
- Maintain owner's rosters and list of Trustees and such other rosters or schedules as may be required by the Governing Documents and the State of Massachusetts, the initial information for all of which is to be provided to Agent by the Association.
- Attend to necessary correspondence.
- Assist in resolving individual Owner requests as they pertain to the administration of the Association, its common elements, and the governing Rules and Regulations.
- Attend Board meetings and the annual meeting of Unit owners.
- Included in these administrative services is 24-hour emergency answering service, preparation of general correspondence, complaint procedure, record keeping of legal documents, homeowner rosters, financial statements.
Fiscal Services
- We will prepare annual operating budgets and budgets for capital improvements and replacements for the Board's review and action.
- We will oversee the collection of condominium fees and assessments, as well as initiate collection action on delinquencies.
- We will set up checking, savings and other accounts for the Association and maintain and reconcile these accounts monthly.
- Monthly financial reports, including trial balance, operating statement, balance sheet, variance report, delinquencies and disbursements are prepared and become part of the Association records.
- Samples of reports sent monthly to Trustees are included with this proposal.
- We will assist the Association's accountant in performing yearly audits and preparing tax returns.
Management Services
- We will direct and order to be done, those things which are necessary to maintain the property in accordance with the provisions of the operating budget and as approved by the Board.
- On behalf of the Association, we will inspect the work of contractors performing work for the operation and maintenance of the Association.
- We will handle contract bid invitations, analysis, negotiation, inspection and payment.
- We will preform site visits/inspections.
- Maintain 24 hour, 7 days per week answering service and availability to handle emergencies.
- Develop a program of preventative common area maintenance.
- We will help the Board protect the interests of the Association by advising and assisting in its arrangements for liability and damage insurance on common property, fidelity bonds, directors and officers insurance, and services of the Association's accountant and attorney.
Quick Facts
- In business under this name: 49 years
- Company size: 6 to 10 employees (full time)
- We manage the following property types:
- Homeowners Association (50-99 units)
- Homeowners Association (over 100 units)
- Condominium Association (2-49 units)
- Condominium Association (50-99 units)
- Condominium Association (over 100 units)
- Parking Garage ()
- We manage properties in: