Find property management in Brownsville, TX

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The response from my new manager was super and I expect a great working relationship with her company. - Rhonda M.

Brownsville Property Managers (22)

Showing all property managers in Brownsville. Describe your property to show only the managers who offer the services you're looking for.

Ken Dunkum Property Management8606 Box , Port Isabel, TX 78578
Global Home Finders RealtyPO Box 6324 , Brownsville, TX 78523
One Stop Realty GMACPO Box 3047 , Brownsville, TX 78523
Woolam Realty LLCPO Box 2346 , Harlingen, TX 78551
Furcron Property Management Co4800 Padre Blvd , S Padre Island, TX 78597
Lorda Corp1004 Padre Blvd # A1, S Padre Island, TX 78597
Tarantino Properties Inc1710 State Highway 100 , Port Isabel, TX 78578
Woolverton Realty & AssocPO Box U , Port Isabel, TX 78578
Park 100 Home2312 Padre Blvd , S Padre Island, TX 78597
Vista Verde Home Owners341 Jose Marti Blvd , Brownsville, TX 78526
Mazk Management Corp1212 E Harrison Ave # 248, Harlingen, TX 78550
BREMCOPO Box 3865 , Brownsville, TX 78523
Affordale Property MgmtPO Box 203 , Harlingen, TX 78551
Coastal Realty2901 Central Blvd # A, Brownsville, TX 78520
Prudential Real Estate3000 Central Blvd , Brownsville, TX 78520
Bahnman Realty Inc503 E Harrison Ave , Harlingen, TX 78550
Sun Valley Mall Management812 N 13th St # 12, Harlingen, TX 78550
Oakcrest Management IncPO Box 3817 , Brownsville, TX 78523
Seaside Services2308 Gulf Blvd , S Padre Island, TX 78597
Las Brizas Coml & Residential1236 S Frontage Rd , Brownsville, TX 78520
Jim Williams Realtors502 E Van Buren Ave , Harlingen, TX 78550
Mason & Co522 E Harrison Ave , Harlingen, TX 78550

Market Info

Brownsville Management Companies

Are you looking for a professional property management company to oversee your home, condo, apartment building, commercial property or community association? Use our comprehensive directory of Brownsville property management companies to find and get quotes from multiple property managers in Brownsville, Texas. You can also read our guide to hiring a property management company which covers everything from understanding property management fees to breaking down the property management contract.

Housing Market Stats

Brownsville vacancy rates comparison with Texas and nation
Brownsville year property was built distribution chart
Brownsville units in property distribution chart
Brownsville home values distribution chart
Housing Comparison with State and Nation
Median Home Value$71,900$119,400$192,400
Owner Costs > 30% Income9.4%13.4%14.7%
Gross Rent > 30% Income18.3%19%19.2%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2006-2008
Brownsville owners vs. renters (ownership ratio) chart
Brownsville rent to price ratio compared to Texas and nation

Brownsville Housing Market Stats

As of 2008, the rental vacancy rate in Brownsville stood at 10%, relatively high compared to the rest of the country. There are about 143,357 housing units, averaging $71,900 in value, 31% of which are occupied by renters. The rent to price ratio in Brownsville is 0.8%, slightly higher than the Texas average. For 18% of Brownsville tenants, 30% or more of their income goes to paying rent.

Demographic Stats

Brownsville population, households, and families chart
Brownsville families with children chart
Brownsville age distribution chart
Brownsville educational attainment distribution chart
Community Comparison with State and Nation
Avg Commute Time (minutes)19.92425.3
Median Age2932.536.7
Avg Household Size - Owners3.352.952.7
Avg Household Size - Renters3.132.572.42
Median Household Income$30,190$47,241$52,175
Per Capita Income$13,377$24,447$27,466
Source: U.S. Census Bureau - American Community Survey 2006-2008
Brownsville household income distribution chart
Brownsville worker distribution by industry chart

Brownsville Demographic Info

Brownsville has a population of 385,274, comprised of 116,724 households, with on average 3 members per household. Out of approximately 145,285 people in the civilian workforce, 135,886 (94%) were employed in 2008. 63% of the population 25 and older has earned a high school diploma, with 15% holding a 4 year college degree.